Learning Environment
The School's purpose is to facilitate the full development of each child enrolled while helping each child to find his place as a contributing member of the group. We believe that such development can occur only through mature and caring modeling by carefully selected teachers who create a loving environment. The teachers encourage the children to participate in maintaining their indoor and outdoor School environments.
At the core of our school are our committed, experienced, and highly trained teachers and assistants. The teachers are certified Montessori diploma holders, especially chosen for their love of guiding children in their emotional, social, and intellectual development. We strive to hire teachers who will become a long-term member of our family and we encourage and facilitate our teacher’s professional development.
The Montessori teacher acts as a catalyst and a guide to help the children learn by doing for themselves, always encouraging the children to extend their natural curiosity and desires to touch and experiment. The teacher (guide) tries to remove all barriers and encouraging learning through exploration and manipulation. The child is allowed to work without interruption and to repeat activities as long as his inner timetable dictates.
The children are shown, individually and in small groups, new activities relating to their interest and level of development, with the hope that each small success will motivate the child to progress to the next level of difficulty, thereby leading to an attitude of joy in learning.