8:30-9:00 – Morning drop-off. The children arrive and enter the classroom. Once they have hung up their jacket and put on their slippers they enter the classroom. The children assist in preparing the environment for the day.
8:30-11:00 – The morning work cycle in the classroom with individual and small group activities, including a morning snack.
11:00-11:30 – The children finish their work and come together to celebrate special events, sing, or have a large group lesson or presentation. During this time they help set up the classroom for lunch and get on their outdoor shoes and jackets.
11:30 – Outside play, games, and gardening.
11:45-12:00 – Parent pick up.
12:00- 1:00 – The children return to the classroom to enjoy lunch.
1:00-2:30 – Nap and rest time for the younger children and classroom work time for the Kindergartners
2:30-3:00 – The children who are awake go outside for playground time. Cutler Lane closes at 3:00
3:00-5:30 – (Gordon Avenue only) The children spend time outside whenever possible, enjoying the playground and gardens. An afternoon snack is served. The small number of children in the afternoon program allows for a relaxed end of the day.